New Edited Volume on German-Turkish Relations

INSITER coordinator Ebru Turhan published an edited-volume titled “German-Turkish Relations Revisited: The European Dimension, Domestic and Foreign Politics and Transnational Dynamics” which builds on a multi-angled and accessible approach with refreshing contributions on latest developments in German-Turkish affairs by German and Turkish scholars. Departing from the intermestic and exceptionally interdependent nature of German-Turkish relations, the edited volume revisits the German-Turkish dialogue and examines the potential for future cooperation and conflict between both countries. To this end, the chapters of the volume focus on three dimensions of German-Turkish relations which particularly involve conflictual and cooperative dialogue: the European dimension, domestic and foreign politics and transnational dynamics. For the table of contents and the introductory chapter “German-Turkish Relations – Intermestic, Interdependent, Intricate” please click here.