On June 30, 2019, the INSITER study and research trip was concluded with the participation of MA students of “European and International Affairs” of the Turkish-German University Istanbul . This year the students visited, Berlin (June16-23) and Brussels (June 23-30). The journey served the purpose to gather first-hand insights into real-life policy making and to take teaching inside the Turkey-EU relations by enabling the students to step into the everyday work of European, Turkish and International Organizations. By getting into direct contact with decisions makers of leading political, economic and administrative institutions students were able to study the complex interaction between the EU, national and subnational level of decision-making in the ‘multi-level’ political system of the European Union and to get a hands-on perspective on how Turkey-EU relations are shaped in practice.
Diffrent from the last year, the INSITER study trip started this year with visits to a number of political institutions, think tanks and interest organizations in Berlin, Germany. The group of MEIA students of the Turkish German University held meetings inter alia with Dr. Funda Tekin, Director Institute for European Politics (IEP Berlin), Dr. Kai Olaf Lang, Division EU/Europe of German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Christian Moos, Department Europe and international affairs, German Civil Servants Association (DBB), Wolfgang Merz, German Ministry of Finance, Julia Grzondziel, German Chancellery and Kim-Mailin Weinrich, German Foreign Office.

Finally, in order to grasp the history of Germany and Berlin, the group also went on a city tour which is guided by Prof. Dr. Hartmut Marhold (CIFE/TDU) and focused on the political architecture of the city.

The second week the INSITER study visit was realized with various interesting meetings in Brussels, inter-alia with talks with Berber Biala Hettinga, Senior Executive Officer, Legal Affairs/Human Rights in the EU, the Amnesty International European Institutions Office, an excursion to the European Parliament, Ilka Pettinen, Project Assistant, Transparency International EU, Noel Farrell, Directorate General Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission, Łukasz Wielocha, Head of Unit iat the International Projects Department, Permanent Representation of Poland to the EU.
The full programme of the excursion can be found here.