On October 25, 2017, INSITER Coordinator Ebru Turhan presented the activities, publications and findings of the first year of the INSITER module to a delegation of the European Commission led by Martine Reicherts, Director-General of the DG Education & Culture of the European Commission at the Koç University within the framework of delegation’s 2-day visit to Turkey. Throughout her presentation Turhan particularly put emphasis on the positive impact of the Jean Monnet Module on efforts to making the Turkish-German University a hub for EU studies and analyses on EU-Turkey relations in Turkey and beyond. Turhan’s statement was also published in the anniversary book of the European Commission titled “From Erasmus to Erasmus+: A Story of 30 Years.”
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INSITER Delegation’s Visit to the Turkish Embassy in Berlin
The final week of the INSITER study visit took place in the German capital, Berlin. One of the highlights of the 1 week visit to Berlin has been the meeting with Ufuk Gezer, chargé d’affaires at the Turkish Embassy in Berlin. During a lively conversation, Mr. Gezer put particular emphasis on German-Turkish relations differentiating between economic, political and social aspects of this complex dialogue. Mr. Gezer furthermore provided insight on Germany’s role in the formation of the relationship between Turkey and the E
U and talked about the latest developments with regard to the Turkish diaspora in Germany in economic, political and social terms.
Best Student Research Papers on INSITER Website
INSITER is proud to publish the best student research papers written for the four lectures/seminars that are components of the INSITER project. The following papers have been chosen as the best ones to be published given their overall academic quality and the grades the students receveived for them:
AVU 114, Abdoul Yoro Diallo, “European External Action Service”, read here.
AVU 101, Canan Uzuntaş, “The Impact of Brexit (together with other factors) on the EU-Turkey Relationship”, read here.
AVU 107, Canan Uzuntaş, “Alternative EU Membership Models and Their Suitability for the UK and Turkey”, read here.
AVU 106, Batuhan Çelebi, “Review of the Book: Economic Sanctions and Presidential Decisions- Models of Political Rationality – Author: A. Coper Drury”, read here.
INSITER Study Visit Continued with Meetings in Brussels
The annual INSITER study trip of the Turkish-German University’s MA programme “European and International Affairs” (MEIA) continued with various interesting meetings in Brussels between June,11-16, 2017 , inter-alia with visits to the Permanent Delegation of Turkey to the EU, the European Parliament, Scottish Government EU Office, the Legal Services of the European Commission, the Directorate General for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations and Andrew Duff, Former Member of the European Parliament. The Brussels visit was realized in close cooperation with the University of Cologne and Sciences Po and included students from University of Cologne, Sciences Po, Sorbonne University and Charles University Prague.
One of the highlights of the Brussels study visit has been the lively conversation with Ambassador Faruk Kaymakçı, Permanent Delegate of Turkey to the EU. During the talks, Ambassador Kaymakçı provided an overview of the history of relations between Turkey and the EU, identified the recent challenges with regard to Turkey’s EU accession process (including the Cyprus conflict) and emphasized the importance of reform of EU-Turkey Customs Union. The visit was also made public on the official Twitter page of Ambassador Kaymakçı.
Another highlight has been the guided tour of the European Parliament. The students had the opportunity to get information on the institutional structure of the European Parliament, political groups in the European Parliament and latest trends in the European political landscape, as well as were able to have a look at the plenary chamber.
INSITER Coordinator at TRIANGLE Workshop
On June 8, 2017, INSITER Co-Coordinator Ebru Turhan participated in the TRIANGLE Workshop of CETEUS at the University of Cologne titled “Narratives and Perceptions on EU-Turkey Relations – A Differentiated Future?”. Turhan held a talk on “Opportunities and Challenges for Extended External and Internal Differentiated Integration between Turkey and the EU.” The workshop included other speakers such as Wolf-Ruthart Born, former Secretary of State, Bianca Benvenuti, IAI, Aras Lindh, Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Funda Tekin, CETEUS and Dicle Korkmaz, METU.
Visit to the Turkish Embassy in Paris and to the Turkish Delegation to the OECD
The annual study trip of the Turkish-German University’s MA programme “European and International Affairs” (MEIA) continued with various interesting meetings in Paris, inter-alia with visits to the Turkish Embassy and the Turkish Delegation to the OECD. The study trip is realized within the framework of the INSITER, under the supervision of INSITER Co-coordinators, Asst. Prof. Dr. Ebru Turhan & Asst. Prof. Dr. Wulf Reiners. The students and the INSITER team are thankful for the warm welcome and the enlighthening exchanges.
On June 7, the MEIA delegation met with Erdem Tunçer, Premier Conseiller, Aslin Savran, Political Conseiller, and Özlem Nurdalı, Commercial Conseiller at the Turkish Embassy in Paris. The exchange focused on the latest developments concerning the political, economic and social relations between France and Turkey, the French position on Turkey’s EU accession process and the French domestic political landscape. The visit has also been documented on the Embassy’s social media presence (see here).
Another highlight of the Paris visit was the meeting with Ambassador Dr. Erdem Başçı, Permanent cartier lock bracelet price
Representative of Turkey to the OECD and the former Governor of the Turkish Central Bank on June 9. The talks with the Ambassador centered around the evolution of Turkey’s status within the OECD, Turkey’s impact on the institutional architecture, agenda-shaping and policy-making within the OECD. Beyond that the students could also discuss recent challenges and opportunities in the global economic governance and the future of EU-Turkey relations.
INSITER Co-Coordinator at the 31st IISES International Academic Conference in London
From May 29 to 31, 2017, INSITER Co-Coordinator Ebru Turhan participated in the 31st IISES International Academic Conference in London. Turhan presented a conference paper titled “Domestication of Germany’s European Policy and German Leadership in the EU: The Cases of Eurozone Crisis and Refugee Crisis.” Research for the conference contribution was conducted in the framework of the INSITER project. The paper that was published within the framework of the conference proceedings can be found here.
MEIA’s INSITER Study Visit to Ankara successfully concluded
In the annual Ankara excursion, which took place within the framework of the INSITER Module, on 12-13 December 2016, the MEIA students visited on their first day the German embassy. The meeting at the German Embassy with Robert Dölger (Charge d’affaires) and Dr. Ralf Matthias Reusch (First Secretary, Political Section) was a long one that enabled the group to ask about various dimensions of Turkish-German-European relations.
The second day started with a meeting at the Middle East Technical University (METU) where our course lecturer Prof. Atila Eralp was able to finish not only his regular class but also to provide the background knowledge on Turkey’s EU membership process. The MEIA delegation was also able to attend a guest talk by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat Erdoğan, a leading Turkish migration scholar at the Hacettepe University. In the afternoon the delegation visited the EU delegation and met Gabriel Munuera Vinals, Vice-Head of the European Union Turkey Delegation. After an open discussion (and a nice surprise, as he told that this course’s lecturer Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels was his professor many years ago) the MEIA delegation headed to its last stop, Turkish Ministry of EU Affairs. The students had a briefing on recent developments with regard to Turkey-EU affairs and were able to ask questions on current policy issues. Prof. Eralp from METU was with the delegation in all these meetings and played a major role in their organization. On the night of this second day the MEIA delegation arrived back at the Turkish-German University.
You can read the program here.